Community Raid Stories

Special thanks to raider, valued community member and Loot historian LootHero for documenting his experience in the Dungeon of Perfection.

The Raid of the Dungeon of Perfection

A group of 10 adventurers stood anxiously outside the Dungeon of Perfection. They had talked to the locals, consulted with the Genesis Adventurers, and read every manuscript they could find that referenced this dungeon. They told themselves they were ready, but that was a lie and most of them knew it.

The hard truth was they had never raided a dungeon, most of them barely knew each other, and they hadn't used these mysterious loot items for anything other than summoning Genesis Adventurers. The support and advice from the Genesis Adventurers was truly invaluable but combat requires experience and they had none.

While going over the plan one last time, the door to the dungeon abruptly opened catching them off guard. As the noise of the stone doors opening faded, silence filled the air. The adventurers looked at each other for confirmation to proceed but were interrupted by a giant Orc stepping into the doorway of the dungeon. Their intel suggested an Orc would be the first obstacle and they came prepared with three warhammers but this Orc was enormous, twice as large as the legends suggested.

The one they call @z_sonofwolf was not intimidated though and without hesitation rushed the orc with his warhammer. Before the Orc could lift its club or open its mouth to roar, sonofwolf's warhammer smashed into the side of its skull, knocking it into a daze. While the orc's head was still spinning, @Ringalls86.eth followed up with a second strike with his warhammer, knocking it to the ground. @loothero was in awe at how swiftly and fearlessly Sonofwolf and Ringalls had incapacitated the Orc but quickly regained his composure and delivered the final blow with his warhammer. Before the final blow was even dealt, the other 7 adventures had already run past the Orc into the Dungeon. They knew time was of the essence and they wanted the Gold Skulls referenced by the manuscripts.

As expected, they cleared the Spiked Pits and Lizard Kings with ease but then came the Ankh of the Ancients which required extremely high-level magic and knowledge to decipher. Just like with their warhammers, they had come prepared with three brightsilk sashes to clear this obstacle. @🔮timshel and @nicabar both approached the symbols on the wall, placed their hands over them, closed their eyes, and began to chant. Two minutes passed and nothing happened. They opened their eyes and looked around, "Wait where is @itzler with the third brightsilk?" Without a third brightsilk sash, it would be impossible to proceed beyond this point.

They were certain Itlzer had entered the dungeon with them so they yelled his name towards the entrance. A few moments later they heard the sound of someone running from the direction of the entrance towards them. At first they assumed it was Itlzer but after listening to the footsteps more closely, they remember that Itzler was wearing holy greaves. This person was moving fairly fast and they didn't hear the sound of clunking metal. As the footsteps grew louder, the nine adventurers circled and took a defensive position in preparation for an attack. Then from the darkness, a fellow adventurer appeared that was not part of their group and had not entered the dungeon with them. The adventurer ran right past them as if they were invisible, approached the symbols on the wall, placed his hand on the symbols, and channeled the magic from his brightsilk. After a few seconds, the stone wall thrust upwards, revealing the Room of the Rabid Flesh Eaters. The adventurer looked back at them and said, "Hi I'm @Nofor, I'm here for gold skulls too, let's move" and darted into the next room. They cleared the Room of Rabid Flesh with ease and proceeded to the final room. Their intel suggested the final obstacle would be a demonspawn which was terrifying but they knew they were equipped to destroy it twice over so they rushed in bravely. When they entered the demonspawn was in the process of summoning a demonic beast. Before it could finish, nofor and loothero rushed it together and swiftly destroyed it.

A pile of Gold Skulls lay on the ground behind the vanquished demonspawn. They tossed them into their bags and without hesitation or celebration, started running for the exit. For most of them, the day wasn't over and they were needed to help raid the Gold Crowns from the Dungeon of Enlightenment and Dungeon of Titans.

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