
When faced alone, even the mightiest of warriors may enter the dungeon never to return. Assembling a strong team with abilities that compliment your own is therefore of utmost importance. Where better to encounter these fellow raiders than over a cold ale at the Drowned Inn? Here you will find a room dedicated to the cause called “Raiding Parties”. This is the place where you can seek out the owner of that Long Sword you’ve been looking for. About time somebody put an end to those pesky Goblins!

What is a well assembled raiding party?

Once you find out which Dungeon may gain you the most hit points you can commence on your search for fellow raiders. You will be looking for anyone who owns items that gain hit points in the same Dungeon. To figure out what these items are you can use this handy guide. Make sure to do this in good time though since the rarest of Relic’s will be nabbed by the raiding party who escape with them first.

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